brandon opalka
Brandon Opalka paints by day, he paints by night. He paints on walls, canvas, installations, invariably creating something new. He moves from one medium to another with the same fervor, the same excitement, the same speed of execution. It’s the color that interests Brandon Opalka, whether posed by a brush or a spray can, applied with an air compressor or in coats of hot wax. Objects are soaked in it, covered, dematerialized, producing a novel interpretation.
Brandon Opalka talks about what he knows, what surrounds him. He draws the raw material for his art from daily life, without neglecting current events. Unpretentious, his work is an experience of life. It was in the streets, that the artist was first confronted by life (as well as death, with the loss of young graffiti artists from his crew) and by art. He revisits his personal experiences, delivering them to us in a multicolored chaos. Jumbled in appearance, Opalka’s plastic experiments unfold in the sphere of the unexpected with a certain taste for turbulence and the absurd.